- Nocturne Schématique starts out from the idea of the trace : the idea of the imprint something leaves in its surroundings. The object has gone but remains present by its trace, its fragrance, its echo that will influence things to come. It is the history of history, the dominance of our past over our future. I compare it to homoepathic medicine : A curing substance diluted to the liwith of its disappearance or even beyond. IThe fluid we swallow is merely a memory, the trace of a substance that should make us healthy. Yes, it is this remembering that cures us ...
Nocturne Schématique : The music on this CD traces of our individual histories, of our biographies ; in each of the compositions you can find reminiscences of thousand of unwritten compositions ; in one piece you even find the imprint of a phone book falling on the piano. In the improvisations the group expands its tracks testing the liwiths of the liberty necessary to create lively and spontaneous music.
After the musical "4 minutes 33", after the rock-folk-jazz band "Aujourd’hui Madame" Yves Massy returns to a quiet and intimate music. The heart of the present CD consists of the trio Massy, Wintsch, Vonlanthen working since 1993 mainly on their own or sometimes also on compositions by Frank Zappa. Guest percussionist Olivier Clerc colors lyrics by Federico Garcia Lorca and William Blake. A mysterious, poetic and transparent night music..